Local Exhaust Ventilation

This is a supplementary topic. It is not a topic specifically mentioned in the provincial regulations so it is provided as additional or supplemental information only. There are no questions in a supplemental topic. There are only resources to help the user understand the topic.
Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) is an effective way to control worker exposure. In addition, because the volume of air exhausted is small, the cost of operating such a system and heating the air to replace the exhausted air is modest – often less than the cost of respirators.
- Parts of a Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) System
- Elements of a Good LEV Maintenance Program
- Types of Local Exhaust Hoods
- Information on Ducting of LEV Systems
- Types of Fan Wheels and Wheel Blades
- How Effective are LEV systems?
- Proper Use and Setup of a LEV System
- Recommended Duct Velocities
- Required Capture Velocity for Different Processes
- Common Problems with LEV Systems
- Importance of Maintenance and Inspections of LEV Systems
- Case Study of a Local Exhaust System
- The Proper Hood Case Study
- Types of Air Cleaners and Filters
- Can Exhaust Air from a LEV be Recirculated back into the Plant?