Infectious Diseases

Topic under Development
This is a new topic and in light of current events, it focuses primarily on the Corona or COVID-19 virus.
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- Corona Virus - Some Useful Statistics
- Infection Control Practices for Workplaces
- Safety Precautions at a Glance
- Flattening the Curve
- AIHA Guidance Document of Surface Cleaning and Fogging
- How long does the Corona Virus Last on Surfaces
- CDC list of Disinfectants and Recommended Use
- Using Bleach to Disinfect
- Difference Between a Surgical Mask and a Respirator
- Considerations for Reuse or Extended Use of a Respirator
- Can I use Expired N95 Masks?
- How to Make a Home Made Mask
- When Can A Worker that was Sick Return to Work?