Heat Stress

This topic is intended to deal with high temperature and humidity conditions that are found in foundries, bakeries, laundries, asphalt plants and outside work where elevated core body temperature may be a risk to workers.
This topic would not normally apply to regular manufacturing / production facilities or office environments where temperature is a comfort issue. Most workplaces can opt out of this topic as true heat stress conditions do not apply to them.
- Thermal Stress Legislation
- Worksafe Bulletin
- Manitoba Thermal Stress Guideline
- Heat Stress Index
- Acclimation of Workers
- Heat Stress Checklist
- Required Worker Education
- Effects of Clothing on Heat Stress
- Hydration of Workers
- Colour of Urine as an Indication of Dehydration
- Classification of Physical Exertion
- work Rest Regimen
- Heat Stress Symptoms
- WBGT Measurments Explained
- Measuring Core Body Temperature by Ear Temperature
- Factors That Can Increase Risk of Exposure to Heat
- Controls for Heat Stress
- Controlling Radiant Heat
- How Air Velocity Affects Heat Stress
- Cooling Aids
- Free OSHA-NIOSH App on Heat Stress
- How Age of the Worker can Affect Heat Stress
- Higher WBGT Levels are also associated with Higher Accident Rates